Home » Exotic Tropical Palms for Sale » Sabal mauritiiformis Savannah Palm
Sabal mauritiiformis Savannah Palm

Savannah Palm

Sabal mauritiiformis
Tree Size: 45 Gallon

Total Cost for Installation $1995**


Cold Tolerance

25° F

Sun Needs

Full Sun

Water Needs


** Installation Includes the Palm, Labor, Delivery, Equipment, Supplies (planting soil, mulch, etc.) Removal of Existing Trees is a Separate Charge. Install Pricing for locations free and clear of underground obstacles like roots, stumps, rock, lines and pipes.

Please contact us for a firm quote. Online contact form is preferred.

Sabal mauritiiformis Savannah Palm

Palm Requirements

Savannah Palm You can plant in full sun but an irrigation bubbler line will need to be installed with at least 1 good soaking per week during dry season.

Palm Description

Sabal mauritiiformis is found growing in the high elevations of Medelin, Columbia at 5000ft. above sea level. The leaves can be used for thatch to make hats and craft baskets. This palm will grow from 25-80ft. in height (depends on how happy it is.)

Country/Region of Origin

Central America, Southern Mexico, Venezuela

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The cost of planting  on your property may vary.  The Pricing includes the plant, cost of delivery, and cost of labor to install the plant.  Availability and pricing are subject to change.  All plants are purchased and delivered in pristine condition fresh from local south Florida Growers. Our plants are pest and disease free.  Regular hand watering or single tree emitter irrigation are required to keep your plants alive for the first year.

Lawn Irrigation and rainfall will not be sufficient for watering.  Your palm trees will require fertilization to maintain healthy growth.