
Floss Silk Tree

Chorisia speciosa
Tree Size: 10-12 ft. 45 Gallon

Total Cost for Installation $995*

* Installation Includes Labor, Delivery, Equipment, Supplies (planting soil, mulch, etc.) Install Pricing for locations free and clear of underground obstacles like roots, stumps, rock, lines and pipes. Existing Trees must be removed before installation to include root ball. Stump grinding is not acceptable.

* Wholesale prices for trees may vary.  Please contact us for a firm quote. You can also call or text Herb (the owner) 239-287-7269

Floss Silk Tree Information

The exotic floss silk tree features showy pink flowers, seed pods filled with fluffy white silk, and one of the most unique tree trunks in nature.

This tree has incredible "wow factor" for several reasons.

The thick trunk keeps its green color (see close-up below) and takes on a slightly bulbous shape as the plant matures.

The trunk also develops amazing thorns like spiky medieval weaponry.

Pretty pink flowers cover the treetop in autumn (this photo was taken in mid-November), followed by large, pear-shaped seed pods that contain a silky "floss" embedded with small seeds. The silk was once used to stuff pillows.

silkfloss color

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The cost of planting Tropicals on your property may vary.  We only charge you the wholesale cost of the tree.  The Pricing includes the tree, cost of delivery, cost of labor to install the palm and sales tax.  Availability and pricing are subject to change.  All tropicals are purchased and delivered in pristine condition fresh from local south Florida Growers. Our tropicals are pest and disease free.  Regular hand watering or single tree emitter irrigation are required to keep your tree alive for the first year.

Lawn Irrigation and rainfall will not be sufficient for watering tropicals.  Your tropicals will require fertilization to maintain healthy growth.

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